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Social payments integrations.
We all need a community that seeks mutually beneficial financial relationships, and your social circles can be the best sources support. Tribbe™ grows your net worth by building financial trust relationships in your network. All around the continent, the culture of building communities around financial goals has lifted individuals and communities for decades. Tribbe™ is here to make it the norm across Africa
Peer to peer lending management
We all need a community that seeks mutually beneficial financial relationships, and your social circles can be the best sources support. Tribbe™ grows your net worth by building financial trust relationships in your network. All around the continent, the culture of building communities around financial goals has lifted individuals and communities for decades. Tribbe™ is here to make it the norm across Africa
Personal Finance Manager
We all need a community that seeks mutually beneficial financial relationships, and your social circles can be the best sources support. Tribbe™ grows your net worth by building financial trust relationships in your network. All around the continent, the culture of building communities around financial goals has lifted individuals and communities for decades. Tribbe™ is here to make it the norm across Africa
Tribbe is like a ledger between friends and family. Tribbe helps you lend and borrow money from those in our social circles while removing the social stigma that comes with it. There is no financial institution or organization providing credit services on the application. Tribbe will give people the opportunity to put up lending offers on the platform that those in their pre-selected circles can access on the application and pay back, with 0% to 10% interest. “You can Tribbe me” means “you can trust me to pay you back.”
Your credit score is a number between 250 to 1050 that rates how trustworthy you are with other people’s money. 250 is the lowest and 1050 is the highest. There are four credit score groups: Hustler, Builder, Catalyst and Angel Investor. On Tribbe, we help you grow your credit score to build trust and better money relationships between friends and family.
Your credit score is calculated in real-time using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (so it’s never personal). Tribbe calculates your score based on your Tribbe transactions and how often you lend, borrow and repay on time. Soon, we will also add your utilities! You will be able to pay for power, water, rent, internet, post-pay phone bills and even insurance through Tribbe. All these will contribute towards building and improving your credit score. Adding contacts and answers your friends provide about you also helps your scoring metrics. We want to keep your score high, so Tribbe gives you every opportunity to do so.
As little or as much as you like. Because you are lending or borrowing from those you trust in your circles, you can give or ask for any amount. Tribbe makes sure that lenders know the chance of getting your money back (e.g. you have a 85% chance of getting your money back). For borrowers, we help you with clever ways to pay back on time. If you do not, you lose your credit score points. We don’t want that.
Yes, you can. To protect you from defaults, however, we suggest lending to people in your circles. These circles are based on your contacts list, and you can add anyone to any circles. You can create as many circles as they like. Examples of circles can be: family, friends, sports team, my neighbors, workmates, acquaintances etc. You can give limits to how much you want to lend to a circle or people in those circles. Any request that comes from that circle will limit itself to the lending limits you have set.
There are four credit score groups: Hustler, Builder, Catalyst and Angel Investor. All of them have different credit score ranges. Hustlers, Builders and Catalysts can only borrow from people in their circles. Angel investors can borrow from anyone, including other Angel Investors that are outside their circles. Life is different on that level. It’s all about your credit score.
As a peer-to-peer lending app, users borrow from each other and not from a financial institution. Tribbe priorities community trust and works to safeguard every lender and borrower in the community. Defaulters are prevented from participating in the marketplace and cannot lend or borrow on the app once they default. They also cannot benefit from other investments or purchases on the app. We do not report defaulters and neither do we call them or their loved ones to harass them to pay back the loans they have. Instead, we work to build a community where borrowers get more than just a loan. This helps likely defaulters normalize their debts and bring them back into the community to benefit from the other added value options on the platform
Your credit score will fall if you cannot pay, so Tribbe helps you manage your debt through different payment options. You can change creditors, lengthen the borrow timeline, reduce the interest rate or offset the bill in another way. At Tribbe, we want you to do well.
We have on-app customer support which is fast or you can call us on +254 722 682 682. You can also tweet us or instagram us on @cchoraprototypes-6758a8.ingress-earth.ewp.live_nation. Our email address is